LE Update fails...

  • Hello everyone,

    Finally I want to update my Raspberry Pi 3 from LE7.0.3 to LE8. I used the in-built update option as well as putting the .tar file in the UPDATE folder.
    Everytime I do a reboot for triggering the update it fails with the message:

    Kernel or System missing.

    It than rolls-back to LE7.0.3

    Couldn't find a solution yet.
    I hope somebody can help me with that. I prefer to not do a fresh install for all settings and fine tuning I did so far (Hyperion, Lakka).

    Thank you.

  • I prefer to not do a fresh install

    There is such a thing as making a backup of your data, or even of the entire system.
    It's the #1 rule in computer technology. Certainly with SD cards and USB sticks that can stop working at any given moment.

    In case you have been updating your Raspberry Pi for a number of versions by now, it's very likely that the size of the system partition has become too small (or LE too large). There are two solutions to that:
    - Backup your RPi / Install a fresh copy of LE 8.0 (with a bigger system partition), restore your backup.
    - Use the GParted tool to manually resize both current partitions, and then upgrade. Making a backup first is still wise.