Which tree i neef for libre elec

  • I am running a v10 box by venz
    Want tot try open elec

    Amlogic s905
    1 GB ram 8 GB internal
    Android 5.1.1
    Of course i want tot run kodi 17.1
    Which version of libreelec i need
    Thnx for any help

    Edited once, last by issy1978 (April 15, 2017 at 10:30 AM).

  • You mean LibreELEC, not openelec

    from here thread-5274.html S905

    install instructions thread-5556.html

    device tree is the RAM size in your case 1GB & LAN ie 100Mbit or 1Gbit I don't know what you have, but if at first you don't succeed try try again

    in other words, just try different trees till you get one that works.

  • You mean LibreELEC, not openelec

    from here thread-5274.html S905

    install instructions thread-5556.html

    device tree is the RAM size in your case 1GB & LAN ie 100Mbit or 1Gbit I don't know what you have, but if at first you don't succeed try try again

    in other words, just try different trees till you get one that works.

    OK 1 more question if i put in the SD card will i have Android stille or will it override delete Android from my box

  • OK 1 more question if i put in the SD card will i have Android stille or will it override delete Android from my box

    Android will not be touched, that is the beauty of running Libreelec from sd. Just remove the card, & it will boot to Android. In fact I think if you are in Libreelec & running the default skin, there is an option to reboot to android without removing the card.