Movie Set Sort Order

  • Is there a way to adjust the sort order inside a movie set? At the moment star wars is showing up for me in some weird order, I'd love for it to show chronilogical but currently it shows in reverse chronilogical

    2015 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    2005 - Star Wars: Episode III - Revent of the Sith
    1999 - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
    1983 - Return of the Jedi
    1980 - The Empire Strikes Back
    1977 - the Star Wars

    Thank you!

  • In the movies library if you click the left button you will see the view options,
    there you will be able to change the "sort by" and "order" options.
    In your case you want;
    Sort by=Year

    -Go to Skin settings->Main menu items->Edit categories(install Library node editor if prompted)
    -Select the Movies folder then the Sets folder
    -Select "*Add order..." then click "Title"(first one from the top if different than Title) and select "Year"
    -Then click "Ascending"(the other one if different than Ascending) and select "Ascending"
    Now if you press back once you should be able to see the new rule called; Order: Year (ascending)
    You might need to restart LibreELEC for the new rule to take effect

    NB: If you have Library node editor already installed you can do that by going to;
    Program add-ons->Library node editor->Video Library->Movies->Sets->*Add order...->Year->Ascending->*Reboot

    Edited once, last by vitorp07 (March 23, 2017 at 11:27 AM).

  • I tried the first one already and I didn't see the order change within sets, just the order that the movies were presented to me in the main list (including sets). The second one I did not find, will give that a go thank you.

  • While you are in the set, navigate to the left until the sidebar opens. Those settings will be different from the main library settings. The main library settings will only affect the main library, but not the sets. If you are in a set it will have it's own settings. There you are able to change the sortorder and decide by what you want to sort it (year, name ....desending, ascending) and so on.

  • ah, now I understand. You are talking about this:

    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    compared to this:

    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    That's a thing which is really annoying and there is no setting for it. But changing it isn't that hard. In the end the Skin has to be modified. For that you will need to copy the complete skin to a location where you will have write access.

    Note: I use the name "mod.estuary". That's optional. You are able to choose any name you like. For this how-to I'll use that naming.

    First we need to create a folder at /storage/.kodi/addons where our "new" skin has to be placed:

    mkdir /storage/.kodi/addons/mod.estuary

    Then we copy the full skin to that folder:

    cp -r /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/* /storage/.kodi/addons/mod.estuary

    Then we have to edit our new skin, so Kodi will recognize that there is another one:

    nano /storage/.kodi/addons/mod.estuary/addon.xml

    in there we have to change the name of the skin at the 2nd line. In my case I did it like that:


    <addon id="mod.estuary" version="1.9.12" name="Mod.Estuary" provider-name="phil65, Ichabod Fletchman">

    Then save that and exit nano.

    Now we have to do the real change...The file in question which need to be changed is the "MyVideoNav.xml". So let's do that:

    nano /storage/.kodi/mod.estuary/xml/MyVideoNav.xml

    At this file, search for that block:

    It has to be around line 67-77 and change the "<param name="sortorder" value="descending" />" to "<param name="sortorder" value="ascending" />"

    Then save and quit the file.

    Reboot your device

    Now we have to enable the new skin. Go to: addons->my addons->look and feel->skins->Mod.Estuary

    and enable it.

    After that switch to the skin by: settings->interface settings->skin->Mod.Estuary
