wireless remote issues with libreElec

  • I was previously using openELEC and Jarvis on my RPi3. Updated to LibreELEC to use Krypton and now my wireless remote isn't functioning properly. Only the mouse function seems to work, I have also tried OSMC and got the same results. Wondering if there is something specific I need to configure with LibreELEC/Kodi to get this working that would have been defaulted in openELEC.

    Open to suggestions here, I can use the Kodi iOS app in the interim but willing to buy a new remote if that's what it takes.

    Any help would be appreciated


  • I've assumed by "wireless remote" you mean RF not IR. Most of the RF remotes I have are 2.4gHz remotes all work fine with OE beta3 and earlier. I find the BT ones are much more reliable than 2.4mHz ones better chipsets / less interference I suppose.

    Beyond new batteries, trying another USB socket etc, Disabling Wifi on the RP3 (just to see if its interference), trying another RF remote, Rolling back to a prior version of OE that you know works just to rule out hardware problems. I can't think of what might be wrong. I've seen some key not mapped in OE but these tend to be the unusual keys not basic stuff - that always seems to work. I'd take the batteries out of the remote and unplug the USB receiver, just to check your remote has not got stuck in mouse only mode - sorry if this does not apply to your model / type of RF remote.

    What model do you have? I've the cheap Apple TV remote and the mini keypad R7 units all working fine.

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    Edited once, last by frownbreaker (March 11, 2017 at 3:06 AM).