Rendering issues/Font Corruption

  • Hi,
    I'm using the raspberry pi 2 and 3 and the issues I'm having occurs on both. I'm using mainly the aeon nox silvo skin on LibreELEC (Jarvis 16.1) v7.0.1.

    Now the problems I'm have are as such:
    1) The backgrounds as well as sometimes the menu bar turns black randomly. The background do it while rotating photos and also while changing menus or entering into settings. When the menu-bar does it, it also turns the whole submenu and its border black where no words can be seen. This also causes my second problem appears..
    But this is also random on its own.

    2) Some of the letters/words turns into white "Blocks" and causes key presses to sometimes "speed up".

    The only thing that helps to resolve it temporary is restarting or reloading the skin but it reoccurs. I Should also mention that the "blocks" issue also occurs on the Menu bar, Submenu bar as well as inside System settings menu etc.

    The pictures below will show a sample of the issues that are occurring.

    As you can see the above border have turn black also blacking out the submenus, sometimes the words also turns into coloured "Blocks" like the white samples and the screen behind turnes black as well.

    All of this is randon. But I will try to get a proper log of it if I can. But its very random so may be difficult to do so log will be long.
    Kodi Log file.

    Thanks for any assistance inadvance.

    Edited once, last by CandyLuv (June 26, 2016 at 6:27 PM).

  • Try Confluence. If it works without these issues your best bet will be to contact the author of the skin, so he can fix his stuff.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I did contact the author of the skin but it have not been rectified since still not sure on where the problem stems. I did not have the problem using the same skin on "kodi 15.2 Openelec 6.0.3". So I'm pleading with all avenues.
    Its all the problems I'm having and if its rectified then eveything will be perfect.

    Thanks again.

  • Code
    07:11:37   9.585470 T:1962696704  NOTICE: ARM mem: 848MB GPU mem: 160MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0

    Your gpu_mem is 160, which is less than the default of 256M (on Pi2/Pi3). Why is that?
    That, coupled with using a heavy skin is probably the cause of the issues - running out of GPU mem and so unable to display textures.

    Set it back to 256M. If that is not enough you may want to try 320M or more.

  • Code
    07:11:37   9.585470 T:1962696704  NOTICE: ARM mem: 848MB GPU mem: 160MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0

    Your gpu_mem is 160, which is less than the default of 256M (on Pi2/Pi3). Why is that?
    That, coupled with using a heavy skin is probably the cause of the issues - running out of GPU mem and so unable to display textures.

    Set it back to 256M. If that is not enough you may want to try 320M or more.

    That is strange because "gpu_mem=320" is what I have it as in my configuration file and I just checked it to confirm.
    *I fail to mention that sometimes freezing occurs and movie thumpnails etc also have problems showing up.

    Edited once, last by CandyLuv (June 27, 2016 at 1:55 AM).

  • That is strange because "gpu_mem=320" is what I have it as in my configuration file and I just checked it to confirm.
    *I fail to mention that sometimes freezing occurs and movie thumpnails etc also have problems showing up.

    ssh in to pi and report output of:

    grep gpu_mem /flash/config.txt
  • ssh in to pi and report output of:

    grep gpu_mem /flash/config.txt

    Thank you so very much for trying to assist me. I truely do appreciate it.
    Here is what comes up. I think it may be a conflick in my config that is causing it to be 160M but don't want to make any adjuctments without any recomedations.

    LibreELEC:~ # grep gpu_mem /flash/config.txt
    # SDRAM size based GPU memory split, uncomment and setup to override 'gpu_mem'
    LibreELEC:~ #

    The "gpu_mem=320" is what I entered under the overclocking settings area which suppose to override any original previous settings set. I read somewhere that noobs automatically sets it at 160 so it may be that and my new settings did not override it.

    Thanks again for the assistance.
    Hope I'm not a nuisance lol.

  • The gpu_mem_xxx options have precedence over gpu_mem, so your 320 setting will be ignored.
    However you should get 256M on a Pi2/Pi3 (which has 1024M total) and 160M on Pi1 (with 512M total).
    Are you using a Pi1, Pi2 or Pi3?

    I'd suggest you comment out (insert a # at the start of line) the gpu_mem_256, gpu_mem_512 gpu_mem_1024 lines, and just insert "gpu_mem=256" at the end of the file.
    You can run (after rebooting):
    vcgencmd get_mem arm
    vcgencmd get_mem gpu

    to confirm the setting has worked.

  • The gpu_mem_xxx options have precedence over gpu_mem, so your 320 setting will be ignored.
    However you should get 256M on a Pi2/Pi3 (which has 1024M total) and 160M on Pi1 (with 512M total).
    Are you using a Pi1, Pi2 or Pi3?

    I'd suggest you comment out (insert a # at the start of line) the gpu_mem_256, gpu_mem_512 gpu_mem_1024 lines, and just insert "gpu_mem=256" at the end of the file.
    You can run (after rebooting):
    vcgencmd get_mem arm
    vcgencmd get_mem gpu

    to confirm the setting has worked.

    Hi, I'm using both Pis 2 and 3. I did as you suggested and confirm that it is now changed. I will monitor the situation and see if it as any affects on my issues.

    Also I have solve one where the "working..." gets frozen on screen. Under Systems/System in Video Output, Disabling "Vertical Blank Sync" seems to stop it and maybe enableven for "Always Enable". But enabling it just for "During video playback" causes the Working to freeze on screen.

    Thanks again.

    Edited once, last by CandyLuv (June 30, 2016 at 1:04 PM).