RPi2 - first install from openelec to v6.90.003

  • Short message to report a succesful upgrade from openelec to [font="Source Sans Pro, Arial, sans-serif"]v6.90.003. One minor issue that is resolved, after initial boot I saw the welcome wizard that disapeared. The Librelelec settings app did not work after that. [/font]

    [font="Source Sans Pro, Arial, sans-serif"]I rebooted and followed the wizard, and only after that does the settings app work. Read somewhere that the wizard should not appear for upgraders so thought I'd post. Everything working fine so far. [/font]

    [font="Source Sans Pro, Arial, sans-serif"]See .004 is out, will check if that auto updates. Great work guys![/font]

    [font="Source Sans Pro, Arial, sans-serif"]Update: updated to 004, after update I was back to confluence skin, with openelec rss feed running and Kodi IOS remote app no longer working (port was switched to 8080 and I had programmed port 80 so it didnt work anymore. Plugged in keyboard and fixed everything. [/font]

    Edited once, last by jaspov (April 2, 2016 at 1:01 PM).

  • Update: everything running fine. Using Mysql library. Have made backups using the libreelec app and downloaded to laptop via Samba. video playback is fine.
    A little weird to post without a problem but didnt see many responses here yet, so good for new Libreelec users I guess.