Movie Count Incorrect - MySQL DB

  • I have 2 LibreELEC 8.0.0 instances which are pointing to a MySQL database, the total number of movies both of them are showing 4608, while the Kodi 17.0 Windows client is showing the correct number 5085. Not sure what could be the issue and/or anyone else have seen this issue.

    • Official Post

    And how do you know that the Windows client is correct?
    I'd doublecheck first via a MySQL tool and directly query the database.

    Are you using MySQL, or perhaps MariaDB (which is known to have had a couple of bugs in the counting department) ?

  • And how do you know that the Windows client is correct?
    I'd doublecheck first via a MySQL tool and directly query the database.

    Are you using MySQL, or perhaps MariaDB (which is known to have had a couple of bugs in the counting department) ?

    The reason I tested the windows client is to isolate the problem, the numbers are correct because I scrape the movies with Ember Media Manager and it also have the correct count of 5085. Also I know I have ~400 more movies :)