I recently upgraded to a WetekPlay2 and am using LiberELEC.
On my "old" WetekPlay I used this autoexec.py
import xbmc
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.PlayMedia(pvr://channels/radio/All channels/pvr.hts_824822099.pvr)')
To automatically start a radio channel after startup and works like a charm (box is running OpenElec 7.0.1 and Kodi 16.1)
On my new box Running LibreElec RB beta3 & Kodi 17 I tried a lot of things, radio channel works fine, but no way it is automatically starting at startup using this autoexec.py
import xbmc
xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayMedia(pvr://channels/radio/All channels/pvr.hts_1595007353.pvr)")
Anyone who can point me in the right direction ?
My guess it's a syntax issue (I hate python for it) but there are so many different examples and the Kodi WiKi is not clear what to use with which version ..
Your help is much appreciated !