LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.95.2 Failed to start Xorg Server

  • Hi.

    My hardware is:
    - Asrock FM2A88X-ITX+
    - AMD A10-7850K (iGPU disabled in UEFI as I am using Nvidia videocard)
    - MSI NVIDIA GeForce GT 730, connected to Yamaha Aventage RX-2040 through HDMI -> Panasonic Plasma TV FullHD
    - Bootdrive is SSD in SATA3
    - 8 GB DDR3

    And the problem is that the LibreElec won't start, with error "Failed to start Xorg Server", See 'systemctl status xorg.service' for details.
    When the issue occurred, I got around it by keeping the installation USB stick (with the same version 7.95.2) mounted on the USB3-port and booting the PC and LibreElec started just fine.

    However, when I upgraded to 8.00.0 I got the same error. Tried to downgrade back to 7.95.2, still the same issue and the "installation USB stick in USB3 port" workaround doesn't work anymore and now I'm completely stuck. I can access the shared folders through network just fine but the LE just won't start.

    Additionally, as I have a huge library of music and videos scraped into database, please advise me if there's any way to back up the database? Just by copying the Userdata/database folder and restoring it back to LE?

    Any help greatly appreciated.

  • I think I solved the issue after all. When I said that I had the iGPU disabled from UEFI, it turned out to be untrue. Which I found out when I restored my Win10 setup only to find out there were both video card adapters active, Nvidia and AMD. Recheck in UEFI showed the iGPU (AMD) was indeed in disabled state :huh: , (a bug in UEFI, I suppose?) but setting the video adapter settings once more and rebooted to Windows, control panel showed only Nvidia adapter present, meaning the AMD iGPU now really disabled.

    Then reinstalled LibreElec 8.00.0, which is now working beautifully.

    So the root cause was having two video adapters present in the system, I guess.

    Live and learn.

    Edited once, last by Charlatan (February 28, 2017 at 7:22 PM).