ODROID C2 - mysql database

  • Hi Folks
    Even in 8.0 I have still problems with my central mysql database on the ODROID C2.

    I did some small investigations and it seems to be a boot sequence problem (at least what I found).

    I have the "wait for network" activated in libreelec settings (with various delays up to 100000 seconds ;) )
    But it seems that the network adapter gets activated twice during boot (at least the network leds stop blinking while libreelec starts and restart blinking after a second).

    It is not a general problem, since I was able to connect my running ODROID C2 to mysql by simply:
    ssh'ing to the ODROID and entering "systemctl restart kodi" :D

    So maybe my findings help you to fix the issue permanently

    TNX in Advance, CU Frank

    Edited once, last by fzwo (February 24, 2017 at 2:59 PM).