Getting Segfault with PVR

  • Hello.

    I've been using PVR.HTS on kszaq's Libreelec on Amlogic device, everything worked fine.
    About a week ago I have such a thing:
    When I try to open a channel (for the first time) - Kodi stuck and then restarts in a few minutes. That can happen many times in a row. No matter which channel. Once it loads fine, once not. If channel is opened fine then switching is also fine.
    So this happen only when you try to open LiveTV for the first time. Not always, but most of time.

    Tried to update Libreelec. Restored backup from when it worked just fine, still get the error.

    Here are log files:
    Interesting thing, I have noticed.
    When I change menu to TV in Estuary - Recent channels is empty = reboot on channel open, when it's there - channel opens fine.
    Can be some kind of a database breakage?

    Edited once, last by elgatito (February 22, 2017 at 8:35 PM).

  • Okay. So if I delete channels from Settings-PVR and they get downloaded from tvheadend - everything works. But when I stop TV and time passes - same issue, when I try to open tv - I get reboot and even reboot is not a solution.

  • So bug does not happen anymore after all groups in tvheadend are disabled (not deleted, but just disabled, so not passed to the client).
    So now curious who's bug is that Kodi, PRV.HTS?