Hard Reset via ssh?

  • Hi guys

    i am running v7 on a amlongic s905 box and its been running fine for ages, now i have tried to install the sportsmania build on kodi, but it doesnt complete the install and keeps coming up with an error stating cant build menu.

    The problem is there are no normal options like system, settings etc and i am stuck at the sportsmania screen which is practically blank. i have ssh'd on and ran

    rm ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.libreelec.settings/oe_settings.xml

    and rebooted, when doing so, the libreelec menu comes up but the sportsmania build is still in the background and as soon as i select what network and name for libreelec i am back to just the sportsmania build.

    How can i hard reset from ssh like there is in the menu system where it rebuilds please or what other options do i have please?

    thanks for the help in advance

  • I highly doubt that your beloved addon will pass the requirements for _not_ being considered an illegal Kodi addon, seeing the list of video streams it supplies. In general, we're not that keen on having to work out problems with 3rd party addons, let alone those handling video streams in an illegal fashion. It's also very encouraged (as stated in our forum rules) that people upload their kodi.log files, since not every problem occuring in LibreELEC can be solved by reading a bunch of scattered tea leaves.

    BTW, what you deleted there were the settings to the Settings Addon.

    It also shows you that crap addons can partially or fully brick your system. But people can be stubborn.
    Supports stops here.