iMon LCD on x86/64 build - Guide

  • Dear Community,
    maybe this is a simpe and obvious guide for the experienced user but setting up the iMOn LCD display took me a day and long research on the usual forums. I thought I write a short guide to spare this for other newbees like me.

    How to set up your iMon LC display on a generic x86/64 build with Kodi 17

    1. install the addon LCDproc from the LibreELEC repository, and choose "imonlcd" in its configuration
    - now your LCD should display "Welcome to LibreELEC" on startup and "Thank you for using LIbreELEC" on shutdown (defined in the LCDd.conf file in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.lcdd if you want to change it)

    2. install the addon XBMC LCDproc from the Kodi repository (no need to configure but you can play with settings later if you wish), and yes, both!

    3. place a LCD.xml file in /storage/.kodi/userdata (wiki). You can use the one from here for the 2-row iMOn LCD (copy the code from the buttom of page). This defines the messages the LCD displays in different situations. This is quite self-explanatory. You can manually edit this xml file to match your taste and needs (some hints: Title, Album, Artist, Time, TimeDuration, TimeRemaining, FinishTime, PlayIcon)

    hope this helps, have fun! Maybe some parts of this "guide" are useful for other platforms too!

    P.S.: the LCD remains nornmally backlit on standby. If this disturbs you (like me), you can help easily with a hardware mod: the power cord of the LCD has 3 cables: red (5V), purple (5V standby) and black (ground); now clamp both power cables (red and purple) to the red one. Worked for me. The IR receiver will not work in standby though (I do not use as it very weak and a chep RF remote like the Rii i25 mini beats it in every aspect)

    Edited once, last by kszabo (February 26, 2017 at 9:02 PM).

  • Thanks for the guide, but I was not able to get my iMON VFD LCD running. I chose the imon-lcd driver in the LCDproc addon and can't get the display to show anything. Any hints? Thanks!

  • Thanks for the guide, but I was not able to get my iMON VFD LCD running. I chose the imon-lcd driver in the LCDproc addon and can't get the display to show anything. Any hints? Thanks!

    sorry, no hints from me. VFD is a different hardware than the LCD as far as I know.