TT-Connect S2-4600 problem

  • Hi guys! Trying to get this card to work with my amlogic 905x but really can't ;/
    Card is recognized as Montage Technology M88DS3103 : DVB-S #0 and when I try to scan for muxes it's giving this error

    2017-02-16 14:56:20.568 mpegts: 12616H in Tom - tuning on Montage Technology M88DS3103 : DVB-S #0
    2017-02-16 14:56:20.568 linuxdvb: Montage Technology M88DS3103 : DVB-S #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Inappropriate ioctl for device]

    Does anybody know what I'm missing with my setup?

    edit: Will answer myself ;) kszaq build beta6 wasn't working. After reinstall to beta5b all is grand! :)

    Edited once, last by Borygo77 (February 16, 2017 at 4:26 PM).