LibreELEC TBS driver corrupt ?

  • Hello ,

    I'm running generic LibreELEC 7.0.2 with dvb drivers on a intel based htpc . My tuners are TBS6902 dual sat tuner and a TBS6923SE single sat tuner.
    After a reboot of my pc , suddenly it has only one of the TBS6902 dualtuner available... . I reinstalled the driver via the DVB driver option in LibreELEC 7.0.2 but it didn't help . The LNB inputs cannot be chosen anymore for the TBS6922SE and the TBS6902 + all devices show up as DVB-S/S2 #0 ....but that has allways been like that and it has allways worked this way...

    Tested the cards another way and they work so i assume it's a driver issue ?
    Does anybody know what i need to do ?

    Should i upgrade (or install) to the latest version of LibreELEC that has TBS drivers in the image ? If YES then what version might that be and will i lose all my tv recordings i allready made on this harddrive ?

    I could not upload the attachement as a word doc nor as pdf...:-( but here's a link...…TmY3ZlBMbHp5eFk

    Thanks in advance .

    Kr ,


    Edited once, last by blimpie (February 8, 2017 at 11:46 AM).

  • what driver you use at the dvb driver image ?

    Without dmesg | paste (if you know how to work with ssh and terminal) I can't do anything, btw you could use the normal LE image 7.95.2 (LE8 Beta2) and it should work out of the box (create an backup before with the included backup function).

    BUT idk how big your partitions are, if my LE7.0 image was the first you installed you can easily update, also if you come from the OE 6.x .

  • Hello ,

    Thans for the quick reply . I used the official TBS open source drivers (fomerly ljalves) from the beginning but the problem occured only this week . So i reinstalled these drivers but with no effect . Also flash doesn't work anymore in chromium (but that problem arose months ago allready , so maybe it really is time to update... :P ) I will try tonight what you suggested . Thans a lot for the advice .

    Kr ,


    Edited once, last by CvH (February 8, 2017 at 12:51 PM).