Looking for help developing autoupdate feature on amlogic platform

  • Hi all,

    This is my first post on these forums, thanks so much for all your hard work. LibreElec is a brilliant platform.

    I am looking for a bit of custom development, to enable the auto update feature on amlogic platform. I would like the update to g to a custom location, where I can roll out updated images in the future.

    This is for a project that will manage hundreds of 'dumb' terminal LibreElec boxes that access a server.

    Please PM me if you have the skills/time. Payment can be negotiated based on timelines etc.


    PS - I hope it is OK to post this, I didn't see anything in the rules about asking for developers :)

    Edited once, last by kenmills (June 6, 2016 at 6:51 PM).

  • It really wouldn't be that much work to change the update URL, however, if you do I think it would be best if you fork the project and create your own distrobution if you are wanting to make your own releases that use the auto updater.

    Otherwise it may help if you explain your goal and what your are wanting to do in more detail.

  • Hey Irusak, thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I think that forking the project is probably the best idea.

    If someone has these skills and is interested, please contact me via PM. :)

    I can't discuss the specifics of the project openly yet as we haven't launched.
