7.95.1 - lirc not working correct on rpi

  • Thanks for the feedback, I was just able to reproduce this too (by doing a hard reset from the libreelec setttings addon).

    But this is another, one-off thing that most certainly doesn't have anything to do with the KEY_RIGHT issue.

    It's not a race between lircd and lircd-uinput, the condition is not on the socket (IIRC it was some time before, but that's not the case here).

    Although annoying, just do another reboot and it should be fine. Let's ignore that for now and focus on the KEY_RIGHT issue. Anything odd at systemctl status or input grabbing would be interesting to look at.

    so long,


  • Hmm, I had now tested the 7.95.2 image from website and this image is working...
    A clean build of the tag 7.95.2 does not work...

    Which OS are you running on your build system?

    Could you check the build files - here with Debian Jessie (and ancient kernel headers) it looks like this:

    hias@tv:~/rpi/libreelec-8.0$ grep -r -l KEY_RIGHT_UP build.LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.95.2/lirc-0.9.4c/.armv7ve-libreelec-linux-gnueabi/
    hias@tv:~/rpi/libreelec-8.0$ grep -r -l KEY_RIGHT build.LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.95.2/lirc-0.9.4c/.armv7ve-libreelec-linux-gnueabi/

    The lirc build might be picking up headers from the build host, that could explain the differences.

    so long,


  • Just verified: the tools/lirc-make-devinput from the lirc source is picking up headers from the build host and due to cross-compiling the generated input_map.inc won't overwrite the shipped input_map.inc files (as a normal build would do) - so there's another risk of differing files during compilation.

    I'm already working on a patch, will drop you a line tomorrow after I ran some tests.

    so long,


  • I had build 7.95.2 in a docker container with debian-stable (with linux 3.16).
    And the image is working, so i can confirm the usage of host headers for key-table.

    i resume short the problems we found:

    • with linux >= 4.6 the KEY_RIGHT/LEFT_UP is already defined.
      breaks the function of the right and left button
    • the lirc-devinput build uses the linux headers from the build-host
    • in the first boot, the lircd services, does not start.
      so remote is working, only after a second boot.

    PS: i need a faster build system :)

    Edited once, last by inusasha (February 4, 2017 at 9:06 PM).