MPD + libsidplay2 + libmodplug Support

  • I would like to play my C64 SID and Tracker Modules collection using LibreELEC MPD addon, when I run mpd -V it shows those formats are not supported.

    Would it be possible for a future LibreELEC version to have libsidplay2 + libmodplug compiled into MPD so users can play those formats?

  • I have tried this, but mpd fails to build with the following error:
    libdecoder.a(libdecoder_a-SidplayDecoderPlugin.o):SidplayDecoderPlugin.cxx:function SidTuneMod::~SidTuneMod(): error: undefined reference to 'SidTune::~SidTune()'

    I will see with the team what can be done about it