Upgrade/clean install from Openelec

  • Hi,

    I have an Intel based Zbox ID41 machine currently installed Openelec 6.03.
    Since I have a large library of movies and tv shows, I wish to keep the database with its particulars. I would like to start with a new install of Libre and then to import the library with its full conetent and particulars.
    What options I have or how should I proceed with the upgrade other than making a backup prior anything?

  • Hi,

    I try today an update from openelec 6.0.3 to libreelec 7.0.1 on an intel NUC (SSD install). I donload the image and the update will be made after reboot. But after the reboot and the update was finished I muss a lot of menu at the homescreen. Get only Option, Programm and Video. There was a lot of empty fields that doesn't show any text. As an example, I navigate to Power down with remote at the home screen. A popup was shown but with 4 empty fields.

    Is there a easy way to make an update from Kodi to libre?

    I make an rollback and copy the latest openelec 6.0.3 files again to the update dior. After a reboot openelec was back with all windows and fields.

    Thanks for help

    Edit: Saw some users that makes update from OE to LE without any problem. Don't know whats going wrong from my side.

    Edited once, last by Mr. Floppy (June 13, 2016 at 12:04 PM).

  • the Problem is the Kodi 15 -> Kodi 16 update - every customization at the skin gets lost.

    I made no customization. Use plain openelec. What can I do? new installation? I use Mysql with advanced.xml. So I don't lost my library...:-)