Audio problems (RPi 1 B+)

  • Hi,
    I've updated from OpenELEC to LibreELEC v7.0.1, and just noticed that when whatching an online stream after a couple of minutes the audio gets out of sync with the video. I've searched the forum for this but couldn't find any reference. I've tried different streams from different sources and keeps happening.

    I'm using a RPi 1 B+ that was working just fine, and whould like your help solving this situation or I have to go back to OpenELEC

    I 've attached a log file of when it happens. In that log I've started watching the video at 22:46:31 and stopped playing it at 22:50:27 when I first noticed the audio out of sync.

    I'm glad to help find a solution to this problem in any way I can!

  • A couple of things...

    Try and upload your log file to a dedicated pastebin website, it's easier for others to access it instead of having to unzip files first. It also does not burden our forum with attachment files.

    Your log shows your RPi is using several not-so-legal repositories/addons (i.e. xbmchub, superrepo, genesis...). Each of those can interfere with background processes, or have other functionality that hampers the general workings of Kodi or LibreELEC as a whole. Those repos or addons can contain functionality beyond our control. Simply because we did not create those repos and addons. And if those addons are creating issues, it's really not our problem.

    Make a full backup of your RPi setup, and start over with a fresh setup.

  • New log:
    LibreELEC log -
    (had to remove a bunch of 'DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - bypass: clear:0 flags:0 alpha:255 source:0' and 'DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::Update' or it was too big for pastebin)
    Used a new uSD card, clean install, did some basic configuration and just installed the 'Exodus' repo and add-on.
    Problem still manifesting, after 3 minutes audio gets out of sync.
    Playback started at 10:37:37, stopped at 10:41:21

    I didn't change a thing when upgrading from OpenELEC (other than the update itself) and it was working fine!