Removing kodi?

  • This might be an unusual request, I am trying to build an emulation machine with my am logic s905, so far it runs great on top of kodi with the newest Lakka, I also used the autostart to make retroarch run at boot, now I want to go one step ahead and completely remove kodi but keep everything else, I fiddled around with the source but I am stuck, can anyone point me in the right direction to how to compile LE without kodi? or at least confirm that this can be done?


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    Edited once, last by niabi (January 14, 2017 at 4:36 AM).

  • In the options file in distributions/LibreELEC/ it appears you can set Kodi to "no". Haven't built it myself that way yet though.

    It's building now though. :)

    Edited once, last by SpootDev (January 26, 2017 at 3:34 AM).

  • Any advantages of doing this instead of using something like Ubuntu minimal?

    Probably not, in fact it might be counterproductive to do so, but I am trying to learn and I have to start somewhere :)

    Another thing, Libreelec works perfectly fine on my device for what I want it, I haven't found a working version of Ubuntu minimal for this device, and my skills are lacking to be able to port it. I am sure someone with better skills can do this fairly easy, but the S905 seems to be not as popular to run anything other than Kodi.

  • Probably not, in fact it might be counterproductive to do so, but I am trying to learn and I have to start somewhere :)

    Another thing, Libreelec works perfectly fine on my device for what I want it, I haven't found a working version of Ubuntu minimal for this device, and my skills are lacking to be able to port it. I am sure someone with better skills can do this fairly easy, but the S905 seems to be not as popular to run anything other than Kodi.

    True :cool:

    Good luck on your project.

    Edited once, last by vitorp07 (February 1, 2017 at 11:40 PM).