Please activate A800 driver in the Kernel

  • Hello CvH,

    I can test an image and have a Odroid-C2.
    I found out, that there is also a firmware-file needed: dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02.fw
    That can I extract from an image from wrxtasy.

  • Hello CvH,

    I tried your image and I'm sorry to say that it does not work with the DVB-T adapter.
    The dmesg|paste got me this URL: eKdL

    lsmod does not show the module:

    In the /proc/config.gz there is also the "CONFIG_DVB_USB_A800" not set.
    I think the driver/module got not build :(

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hello,

    I tried the image. There is a driver and the A800 is visible in tvheadend.
    But I did not get the tuner set or an mux configured.
    This is very strange.
    The dmesg output is there: KbiG

  • I tried to debug the problem with tvheadend and the dvb-tuner
    Maybe the config von wrxtasy can help you, this is the last working image that worked for me.
    Thanks for your help

    log from "HTS Tvheadend 4.1.2401" with the config "CRASH,main,fastscan,dvb,linuxdvb,scanfile": RggG
    dmesg: NZiG

    This is from the last working version I have.
    Version string:LibreELEC (WRXTASY) Version: 7.1.0
    dmesg: hRXJ
    log from "HTS Tvheadend 4.1.2401" with config "CRASH,main,fastscan,dvb,linuxdvb,scanfile": MCDT
    the kernel config from /proc/config.gz: iPAc

  • Hello,
    the image from Kszaq did not work. I tried different dtd files an nothing happend on the screen or network.
    So I tried an other way with the help of a friend:
    We used the old Image from wrxtasy with his kernel.
    Then we unpacked the system image and put into it the kernel modules and

    The system then boots and gives a strange message about "boot=" that i can't completly read. It get's cut left and on the top. seems something to do with the television.
    After 60s the system boots normaly.

    Then I can install tvheadend and the A800 receiver get's recognized. Also the scan works and the tv stations are found.
    dmesg is: USXf
    the tvheadend log is: LdQc

    Something that puzzeled me is:
    The kernel is newer. wrxtasy used a 3.14.65 version. Your Image has the version 3.14.29.
    The of yout image did not work: there was a version difference: 9.00 to 8.00.
    Replaceing it fixed this problem.

    The only thing that's bugging me: the resolution is not stable in this kernel. The screen get's distored and recovers now and then. This is why I want to use an other image in the first place.

    I don't know where to go from this point on. Is it hard to make this images? maybe I can try to incorperate the 3.14.65 kernel in the normal way.?

    Thanks for your help.