I have the following setup for default sound output:
RPi 2 with LE7 > HDMI output > TV > TV speakers
I have the following setup for passthrough sound output:
RPi 2 with LE7 > PiHut 7 port USB hub > Behringer UCA202 USB soundcard > optical output S/PDIF > Creative Labs DDTS-100 decoder > Creative Inspire T7700 speakers
My settings are the following:
System > Audio output > Audio output device = PI: HDMI
System > Audio output > Enable passthrough = true
System > Audio output > Passthrough output device = ALSA: USB Audio CODEC, S/PDIF
System > Audio output > Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver = true
System > Audio output > Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver > Enable Dolby Digital (AC3) transcoding = true
System > Audio output > DTS capable receiver = true
System > Audio output > other values are default ones
Video > Playback > Sync playback to display = false
Every component is working great on his own, but I cannot get passthrough to work properly for Dolby Digital/DTS audio streams, instead I only get static noise.
RPi 2 is working perfectly.
Creative Labs digital decoder and speakers work perfectly when fed with Dolby Digital/DTS audio streams by other devices over S/PDIF (e.g. Blu-ray player ).
The passthrough detection works: ACC/MP3 audio streams are sent to default audio output device (i.e. "PI: HDMI"), while AC3/DTS audio streams are forwarded to audio passthrough device (i.e. "ALSA: USB Audio CODEC, S/PDIF").
If instead of using "ALSA: USB Audio CODEC, S/PDIF" I use "PI: HDMI" as passthrough device, then AC3/DTS audio streams are forwarded to TV and decoded by the TV without problem.
I also tried changing S/PDIF cable, same problem.
So the problem seems to be the Behringer UCA202 USB soundcard support.
Here is a kodi.log for LE 7.0.1 with debug on and verbose info for both video and audio.
The debug log matches the following sequence:
- boot LE7 on RPi 2
- open movie with 2 audio streams (one AC3 stream, one DTS stream)
- movie starts playing using DTS audio stream but I get static noise
- after a few seconds, switch to AC3 audio stream but I also get static noise
- stop playing movie
Any idea on how to get passthrough working with Behringer UCA202?
I posted the same question on Kodi forum.
Thanks for your help