network down when trying to mount NFS share on R-PI 3

  • Hello,
    My first post, and it's a bug report. I'm running stable version (7.0.2), on a Raspberry PI 3.
    When doing a nfs mount, either via the the "System" -> "File Manager" GUI or on the console via ssh, the network freezes.
    There is an interval of about 5 seconds when everything seems to work, the NFS mount is accessible, but after that the ssh session becomes slower and slower, and after about 10 sec the network becomes unavailable. The GUI is still responsive, but going to LibreELEC plugin and disabling/re-enabling the network shows no available networks in the "Connections" tab.

    Edited once, last by sorinakis (December 30, 2016 at 1:29 AM).