[Solved] Strange stutter on 16.1

  • I was always using OpenElec 6.03, recently I updated to the latest OpenElec build (6.95.3), that update introduced a strange stutter on my Pi2. So i tought i would upgrade to LibreElec 7.0.0, but the stutter remains.

    It happens during Live TV, but also during MKV playback. It runs stable for about 30 seconds to a minute and than a stutter (i see lot's of dropped frames and skips). Just like the Pi2 can't handle it. But with the previous version i never had such problems.

    LibreELEC (official) Version: 7.0.0
    raspberrpi:~ # dmesg | pastebinit
    raspberrpi:~ # journalctl -a | pastebinit
    raspberrpi:~ # cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | pastebinit

    I've read somewhere you should set the buffermode to 1 instead of the default 0, i've tried that but that didn't help, didn't need it on the previous build but hey.. it was worth a shot.

    Can anybody help? Of does anyone have an idea where to start looking?

    Edited once, last by mhoogenbosch (May 16, 2016 at 9:14 PM).

  • Ofcourse I could try and remove some repro's, but I don't see why this would help. I will try nevertheless, but I've always used these addons, and am using them on my NUC where I don't have these problems. I'm not aware of any 'banned' addons i'm using. I don't watch streamed media, other than youtube and trailers from Apple trailers.

  • Are you using


    by default in advancedsettings? That could cause stutters when logging is flushed to sdcard, so should only be enabled when needed.

    Also these settings look like they came from another platfor and should be removed.

    <gui>                                                <algorithmdirtyregions>3</algorithmdirtyregions>                                                <nofliptimeout>0</nofliptimeout>                                              </gui>                                              <video>                                                <latency>                                                  <delay>50</delay>                                                  <refresh>                                                    <min>23</min>                                                    <max>24</max>                                                    <delay>175</delay>                                                  </refresh>                                                </latency>                                              </video>

    However the main issue seems to be playing a 23.97fps video in a 50Hz display mode. That will never look smooth.
    Does switching to 720p60 in system/video settings help?
    Have you got "adjust display refresh rate to match video" enabled?

  • Okay, tonight, or tormorrow night i'll try a few settings

    1. remove superrepro (don't even know which addons are from that repro)
    2. change log to 0
    3. remove settings in advancedsettings.xml

    4. change player

    Tnx! and will report back!

    BTW, it is good to know there is not a known issue and then it should be resolvable.


    1. Removing the repro's don't help.
    2. Didn't help...
    3. Didn't help... coming close to the 'not so wanted solution'.

    Edited once, last by mhoogenbosch (May 13, 2016 at 12:12 PM).

  • After removing the settings and changing the log to 0 I didn't reboot. Obiously this is needed (foolish me), but I think we have made progress. This morning I didn't notice the stutters. Will check tonight more. I'll let you know.

    the settings in Advancedsettings.xml aren't needed anymore? The refreshrate change?

  • Why would you use settings designed for "Intel VAAPI howto with Krypton v17 based on Ubuntu 16.04 server" on a Pi?

    We are in control of all the defaults and they will be set to give the best behaviour for the majority or users.
    If there were a setting that was universally better, then we would change the default.

    As such, don't change default settings without a good reason.

  • Why would you use settings designed for "Intel VAAPI howto with Krypton v17 based on Ubuntu 16.04 server" on a Pi?

    We are in control of all the defaults and they will be set to give the best behaviour for the majority or users.
    If there were a setting that was universally better, then we would change the default.

    As such, don't change default settings without a good reason.

    Fair enough.

    The reason for these settings in there are because I also have a IntelNUC based on Intel Haswell, I just copied these settings thinking it would be a good idea. But apperently it was not, atleast not for this version of Kodi. On the 'old' OpenElec (6.0.3) I used the same advancedsettings.xml and did not have these kind of problems.

    Never the less, your explaination sure makes sens. Thanks for your help!