Raspberry Pi 4 as access point.

  • I have read so much on this in the last 24h that it has baffled me.

    I know it’s possible but the question is….

    I am upgrading my backup Kodi box to a RPi4 2GB (which arrives tomorrow) and will get Libreelec, the GPIO 18 IR led setup and then the 2TB HDD of some media stuff. That part I all know about and 100% comfortable with.

    The RPi4 will be connected to my network via its LAN port, leaving its onboard Wi-Fi doing nothing. Can I set this to be an access point (same ssid and password) as my main fibre box to make the Wi-Fi in that room stronger?

    And assuming yes, how?

    Many thanks for reading and any help offered.

  • Can I set this to be an access point (same ssid and password) as my main fibre box to make the Wi-Fi in that room stronger?

    You can create a hotspot with the same name/passphrase as the other network in LE settings, but it will be an independent network, and there is zero configuration beyond name/passphrase (no choosing of IP range, frequency ranges, no config of auth) and it will not act as an extension of the existing wireless network so devices cannot roam between access points, they must disconnect and reconnect. You will also content with the reality of RPi wifi strength generally being a bit rubbish.

    In short, it is an intentionally simple hotspot (as you'd have on a phone) not an access-point or a router. If it works that's great. If it doesn't work there is nothing that can be done and the solution is using a proper AP/router device.

  • Thank you for your reply Chewitt.

    This hotspot would for example allow say an iPhone in that room access to the fibre network via said hotspot through to the LAN as if the phone was a wired device?

    Edit: the phone is in fact the only Wi-Fi device that I’d like to grant ‘better’ access to my network, the walls in my house are stone and thick enough to make it connected but weakly. I understand the warning about (even if I used same ssid and password) it wouldn’t transition seamlessly and whilst this is a shame it’s not a problem (to be honest maybe better as then I could use a separate ssid and password)

    To be honest this would be an extra value thing to save the bother of building a Mesh

    Edited 2 times, last by TimboZero (March 20, 2025 at 6:18 PM).

  • This hotspot would for example allow say an iPhone in that room access to the fibre network via said hotspot through to the LAN as if the phone was a wired device?

    It will probably allow the phone to access the LAN (and thus the internet). I say "probably" because the only proof is trying it.