Hi all,
I want to replace my old HTPC with a Raspberry 5 but i need a 5.1 analog output.
I currently have an external USB sound card Asus Xonar U7.
Could this sound card work with Libreleec and Raspberry 5?
[RPi5] How to have Analog 5.1 output
Biggame -
March 12, 2025 at 5:06 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
There is a chance that this sound card works now:
ThreadXonar U7 MKII Analog Multichannel (LibreELEC 10.0 (RPI 4))
Hi everyone,
I can't solve the following problem:
my usb sound card (Xonar U7 MKII) plays multichannel content without issue, but only through aplay
(Code, 6 lines)
, not through Kodi. I have tried different combinations of settings.
Editing asound.conf gives no results too.
Sorry for my bad english.
LOG: ...gena_bbxNovember 13, 2021 at 6:20 PM