Link to start a film on a kodi instance?

  • Hello,

    I have a couple of Kodis running on different Raspberry Pis (latest LibreELEC), and

    I have a database for all of my films. It includes also the path to the film-files. It is not the Kodi database, but a database programmed by myself.

    With the information of the database, web pages are generated which show the informations about the films I have.

    What I want:

    1) Create a web-link on these web pages, which starts on one of the Raspberry Pis a specific film I have. What is the syntax of this link?

    2) If possible the link should start the film at the beginning OR (another link) at the time stamp where I stopped the film at last. What is the syntax difference?

    3) Therefore: I have to retrieve the information from the common Kodi(!) database(!), which film has been not seen until now (or completely seen) or partial seen. In order to generate different links. How can I get this information from the kodi(!) database?

    All of the Raspberry Pi/Kodi-instances are synchronized with ONE database which has the information, which film I have already seen or how far I have seen one film already.

    Does anyone know, how to? It would also help to get ONLY one information 1, 2 or 3.

    Sincerely Klais

  • Thank you very much,

    I tried this problem a dozens of times, I looked at a lot of pages but did not get any solution for this problem.

    One of the problems was that the api changed, the other was, that it just didn't work out.

    With another technical problem, I got at this forum just one answer but it solved the problem VERY good. Therfore I was hopeing to get here an answer to that question, too. Especially as we are talking here about the same installation (latest libreELEC).

    Therefore: Could you perhaps give me a more specific hint? I have already tried it with this www-page!



  • Could you perhaps give me a more specific hint?

    Nope. I have enough architectural knowledge of Kodi to know the API is the correct way to make a remote device play something, but I've never needed to do anything with JSON-RCP myself, and thus have no knowledge to share.

    That said, have a look at how "kodi-send" wraps API commands?

    The better place to ask Q's will be the Kodi forum.