[RPi4] Soma.fm Access from Yatse

  • Hi,

    last few days I have problém with remoting Libreelec (on RPI4B+) with my Pixel with Yatse app.

    I can start radio without problems on Radio.de plugin but can't start station from Soma.fm addon. Sometimes (with no rules) I can start SOMA channel when Radio.de plays radio station. But when is LE idle I can't start SOMA station.

  • It's not clear to me what you are trying to do .. where do "rules" come from?

    For context: not German so not using "radio.de" but Groove Salad is playing fine here using the "SomaFM" addon.

  • Just simple click in Yatse on Soma.fm channel doesn't start playing.

    When I switch on TV I can see for 1 second circles when I click on Soma.fm station but station won't start.

    If I use wireless keyboard or mouse everything is fine... but I won't start TV again and again....

  • If everything works when navigating with the keyboard but not with Yatse, that sounds like an issue with Yatse, and you should report the problem to Yatse's creator.

  • hi
    a few weeks ago I found out that the YATSE control doesn't want to start the radio station on the SOMAFM addon
    on the TV I only see a wheel spinning in the middle of the screen for a few seconds but the station doesn't start
    - latest LE version
    - RPI4B+
    - PRO version of YATSE (Android, Pixel phone)
    - YATSE otherwise works completely without problems
    - YATSE developers told me that there was no update that should affect this and the fault should be on the ADDON developer's side

    for example, the Radio.de addon works without problems (I mean control via YATSE)