Define multiple resolutions for Omega?

  • I have a Raspberry Pi running LibreELEC Omega, and it's outputting video to my CRT via a VGA HAT. In order to set a resolution, I define the following in config.txt:

    640x480 (4:3 content):


    1280x720 (16:9 content):


    However, setting a resolution via config.txt only allows me to set one resolution at a time.
    How can I set two resolutions? Normally I would set a modeline using xrandr, but xrandr is not found on Omega.

    Much obliged!

  • It's not possible to configure multiple resolutions, but it shouldn't be necessary. Configure for 720p and Kodi should simply scale the older 480p media to 720p for output. The default behaviour for 4:3 content will be (or should be) to show vertical black bars left/right of the video. The alternative is to stretch media to 16:9 of use a zoom, but that usually sucks. You can experiment with options via the OSD menu once video is playing.

  • Thanks chewitt. As this happens to be a 4:3 CRT TV that has the ability to display 720p content, it gets letterboxed, and by playing 4:3 content inside of it, it will get columnboxed.

    That being said, I ended up writing some scripts that allow me to easily switch resolutions by automatically SSHing into LibreELEC, mount the config, edit the relevant lines, and reboot LibreELEC to ensure the proper resolution. A small wait, but I can be patient :)