Multiroom Audio Add-on

  • Hello everyone. I am using LibreELEC 11 with my Raspberry 3B+, which has HiFiBerry DAC+, and it works very well. The playback is very good, and I am happy... I would like to achieve multiroom audio, and for that, I wonder if it is possible to use MPD in LibreELEC so that the audio that plays locally can be transmitted over the network and other MPD players (clients) can receive it and play it in another room... I tried doing it with snapserver/snapclient, but I wasn't successful... I would appreciate any guidance on this... I've searched the Internet but haven't had much luck...

  • If SnapServer doesn't work, I don't get the point. MPD is the way to go. Read here to understand mpd.conf:

    November 30, 2016 at 3:14 PM
  • Thank you very much for the suggestion.. I will try again with Snapcast. Actually, it did work, but I was only able to get it working properly once. After restarting LibreELEC, it stopped working. I think it might be due to the audio output configuration. In Snapserver, I set the source to 'Kodi,' but when I go to the system settings for audio output, I don't see 'PULSE: snapserver' in the list. It only appeared once, and at that moment it worked, but after that, I no longer see it, and only physical devices like HDMI and my HiFiBerry are shown. I'm not sure if it's related to Snapclient, as the audio device is also listed in the configuration there... I don't really understand what's causing this. Sorry for my English... I'm not very good, and I'm using a translator to help me.

  • Due to the issues and the lack of information, I wanted to let you know that I am finally using LMS installed as a container on LibreELEC, and it works perfectly. On LibreELEC, I use Squeezelite as a console client, and it works great.

    Thanks !

  • Due to the issues and the lack of information, I wanted to let you know that I am finally using LMS installed as a container on LibreELEC, and it works perfectly. On LibreELEC, I use Squeezelite as a console client, and it works great.

    Thanks !


    Explain a little more, I installed Snapcast Server then Snapcast Client on a LibreELEC 12.01 I managed to get it working but bugs appear after restarts, I use LMS at the same time in a NAS, but I don't I didn't know that we could install Squeezelite in LibreELEC.