SSL doesn't affect chrome add-on, and can't install from settings

  • Hi, what's up

    I need to install a crt certificate on my machine, I converted it to .pem file, and added it using ssh as the instructions say:

    But for some reason it doesn't seem to affect the google chrome add-on.

    The cacert.pem and it's content remains after reboot, it doesn't get deleted or something.

    CURL from ssh to https does work however.

    How can I add crt to chrome?

    Also, I can't install the certificate from the chrome settings, when trying to choose the file, chrome crashes.

    can't even drag the file to an input

    Is there any way to fix it? a workaround? a way to make chrome work?


  • Also, I can't install the certificate from the chrome settings, when trying to choose the file, chrome crashes.

    Chrome is probably trying to access an internally hardcoded path that either doesn't exist in LE, or perhaps expects rw access and the path is inside the ro filesystem. As we don't compile Chrome for LE that can't really be changed.

    No idea why it doesn't use the system cert chain either .. just commenting on that ^