WireGuard cannot get it to work

  • Hi,

    For some reason I cannot get WireGuard to work. I did the following:

    1. Copied wireguard.config.sample to wireguard.config

    2. Changed Host, WireGuard: Address, PrivateKey, PublicKey, DNS from VPN Provider Config (proton)

    3. Deleted WireGuard.PresharedKey because it is not provided.

    4. Config:

    5. Listed connections:

    # connmanctl services
    *AO Wired                ethernet_000000000000_cable
    * d WireGuard VPN Tunnel vpn_185_107_56_***

    6. Connected to tunnel:

    # connmanctl connect vpn_185_107_56_***
    Connected vpn_185_107_56_***

    7. Ran some tests:

    8. In conclusion: it does not work.

    Please enlighten me: what am I doing wrong ?