inputstream.adaptive on Pine Rock64 unstable

  • Hello,

    I was not entirely sure if I should submit this under Bug Reports or Rockchip. I decided for Rockchip since the issue might be limited to Rockchip or even rock64.

    My setup

    • Hardware: pine rock64
    • Libreelec: 12.0.1
    • Network: Ethernet

    The problem occurs when playing a stream file with inputstream.adaptive (it also occurs in the ARDundZDF plugin, but I thought it is easier to debug if it can be reproed with just a simple stream file):

    rock64b:~ # cat fs/videos/Streams/TV/04_ard_one.strm

    rock64b:~ #

    Issues observed:

    • when navigating forward and backward, the video often plays for one or two seconds and then pauses for tens of seconds (during this time the OSD shows a high CPU load and one core is at 100%)
    • the video flickers somewhat (also the reported fps on the OSD is less than the 50 Hz of the video stream reported by the "o" key)
    • sometimes the systems hangs entirely (not in the attached debuglog)

    The problem started to show up quite sometime back, but I cannot tell if it is due to a change in LibreELEC or due to a change in the stream.

    In the logs, I see warnings like

    <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer

    Full kodi debug log is here:

    Any idea or hint is welcome.

