No Devices Found on Dell Optiplex 3080

  • I am trying to install on an Optiplex 3080 from Dell with an i5 10th generation to install Libreelec with the installer from Libreelec and it refuses to install saying "no devices found", what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in adavance four you answers

  • I've got exactly the same problem, with a Dell Optiplex 3080,

    tried to clean the internal ssd to fat32 and also to ext4. (and formatted).

    but installer (usb) does not see any device.

    Someone solved this problem?

  • Solved it :)

    In the BIOS, Settings->System Configuration->SATA Operation

    set the SATA operation from "RAID on", to "AHCI"

    now the LibreElec installer will show the internal SSD drive as install disk.