[Odroid C2]: Some observations after moving up from LE11 to 12

  • Having got LE12 on C2 I've been getting a very unusual bag of results. On the plus side:

    + skipping or starting mid-video on H.265 material seems improved on LE12 compared to 11!

    + artifacting also on H.265 stuff is greatly reduced! Especially on panning scenes on which the visual deterioration was significant on LE11!

    On the minus side:

    - a lot of H.265 material does not play, even if I elect to play it from the start. The same material was playable on LE11 though. After pressing play, I remain in the file manager screen and nothing happens, apart from an indicator that the selected file is now played.

    - in a lot of cases, pressing stop makes C2 restart Kodi (only Kodi, not a full system restore)

    - what's worse is that I'm having trouble on H.264, whereas I did not have any issues on 11 99.999% of the time. It's not on all material, but I did have problems on 3-4 clips out of the 10 tried. In one of the cases it was intermittent sound, on the other cases seeking crashed playaback, or had artifacts or...

    - Finally, I do not know if the code of LE12 has become much more complex, but it feels as snapiness went down considerably. Is it something to be expected?

    If the crashing/rebooting issues did not occur immediately after upgrading to LE12 I'd treat this as a PSU issue TBH, but under the circumstances it feels as if it's software related.

    Not writing this as a bug report per se, but rather to see whether at least someone else with C2 out there has the same issues on LE12.