CEC problems after AVR replacement

  • Hi

    Im running LE 12.00 on Raspberry Pi 4B and have just switched to a new AVR - from a Pioneer VSX-924 to a Yamaha RX-V685. I have two problems that started after the AVR switch.

    - When Kodi has started and CEC has initialized, my AVR switches source from HDMI 2 (where the Raspberry Pi is connected) to HDMI 4 (where I reckon my Raspberry Pi WAS connected to on my old Pioneer AVR, if that matters...).

    And most often it makes this source switch twice after CEC has been initialized.

    It also makes this switch if I change the TV aource from my AVR HDMI output to some other source and then back to the AVR HDMI output.

    - My AVR stubbornly renames said HDMI 4 port to 'Kodi', if automatic renaming of HDMI ports are on in the AVRs settings. HDMI 4 is not in use (nothing connected)

    (HDMI 2 has been automatically renamed to 'Videocore' which I think is correct?)

    Also under Settings-System-Audio-Audio output device I can still see references to my old VSX-924 AVR that is no longer in use. Most of the time there is no references to my new AVR. (It was there for a while when I was fiddling with LE's CEC settings).

    On the subject, the relevant CEC settings are as follows: HDMI port number: tried 0-4 with no difference in behavior, switch source to this device on startup: disabled (I think I also tried enabled..?), connected to HDMI device: tried both TV and amplifier/avr device with no difference in behavior, CEC client mode: tried both playback and recording device with no difference in behavior, physical address: it's usually 2400. I can give another settings if requested.

    In my config.txt I have the following possibly related additions:






    I've also tried commenting/uncommenting these additions to no avail.

    I remember that I might have tinkered with EDID settings earlier when I had problems getting DD+ working on my Pioneer, that might be related?

    Debug log: https://paste.kodi.tv/cebesadixe

    How can I fix the issues?

    PS. English is not my native language

  • Ok so getedid delete seems to have done the trick. Will still check problems are gone for good.

    Still the input name on my AVR changes from 'Videocore' to 'Kodi' upon CEC being initialized. It's no biggie, but can I change this? I.e. either 'Videocore' or 'Kodi', not jumping from one name to another.