[RPi3B+] Crashes sometimes with rainbow square because of unstabel contact in power socket

  • Hello,

    last week my system started to crash more or less often at different occasions. It just suddenly shows a square filled with rainbow colors for a second before it's restarting itself to the startscreen.
    Sometimes about after an hour of watching a TV stream (IPTV). Sometimes after about 20 minutes watching a YouTube video via piped plugin. Sometimes just while browsing through the settings with nothing started yet. Sometimes just a few minutes after a crash before (IPTV).


    I tried so far:
    - checking via ssh (till the crash) the power supply (using different >=2A ones and checking dmesg and vcgencmd measure_volts)
    - and the temperature (vcgencmd measure_temp = below 60°C).

    - deactivating YouTube Plugin and Bluetooth

    - downgrade from 12 to 11.95.1 and upgrade again (because it didn't make any noticeable difference).

    I couldn't find a way to downgrade some plugins which got auto updated around the time the crashes started.

    System: LibreElec 12, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.4, with 32 GB SD-card, Estuary Skin, USB dongle for remote control, and for a kind of power on/off button I connected a button to PIN 5+6 (GPIO3+GND) and added dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown to /flash/config.txt (after mount -o remount,rw /flash of course) and added autostart.sh and autostop.sh to .config. Can't think of anything else right now, but willing to provide anything needed.

    Link to the log above.

    Every help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much and have a nice day,

  • Seems like your "Piped" add-on has a bug:

    Most add-on developers are at Kodi forums, so I suggest to create a bug report over there.

  • last week my system started to crash more or less often at different occasions. It just suddenly shows a square filled with rainbow colors for a second before it's restarting itself to the startscreen.

    System: LibreElec 12, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.4, with 32 GB SD-card, Estuary Skin, USB dongle for remote control, and for a kind of power on/off button I connected a button to PIN 5+6 (GPIO3+GND) and added dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown to /flash/config.txt (after mount -o remount,rw /flash of course) and added autostart.sh and autostop.sh to .config. Can't think of anything else right now, but willing to provide anything needed.

    The rainbow square shows you've had a reboot, rather than a crash.

    That is actually pretty rare. It means something has intentionally requested a reboot or there has been a significant power failure.

    I'd be suspicious of the power switch and gpio-shutdown overlay - can you remove those and see if there's any change?

  • popcornmix The PSU is OK:

    RPi throttled=0x0

    I'm using dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown on my own RPi3B+, and I've never seen the rainbow square during a crash.

    Maybe the "Piped" add-on handles crashes in a special way.

  • Thank you all for your suggestions!
    I deactivated the piped add-on and somehow it seems now less often, but it just happened again after about two hours of IPTV. So I doubt the errors of the add-on are forcing the reboot, or I have to uninstall it instead of just deactivating it.
    Somehow the title change of my original post doesn't seem appropriate any longer.

    The rainbow square shows you've had a reboot, rather than a crash.

    That is actually pretty rare. It means something has intentionally requested a reboot or there has been a significant power failure.

    I'd be suspicious of the power switch and gpio-shutdown overlay - can you remove those and see if there's any change?

    As i was checking already with different power supplies and so on (see my original post) I guess this should be unlikely.
    I gonna check the wiring of the gpio switch next (even it normally leads to a shutdown and not a reboot) and de-install instead of just deactivate the add-ons. I also reactivate the logging again but before I switched of the logging I mostly couldn't find any new crash logs after the reboot happened...
    Maybe this is another hint it could be a somehow forced reboot instead of a real crash?

    Thanks again!

  • Regular log please.

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Ok, thank you again for all your efforts!

    I started with a complete new install on a new SD-card - just in case...

    ...and got some forced reboots even before finishing the configurations (and before having an add-on installed).

    Here are some logs (yes, some, because sometimes it rebooted before I was really finished writing it down, so I'm not sure if it worked and contains what it should contain...)





    Somehow I start to believing my new raspberry has some hardware issues...
    At least it looks now to me it should have nothing to do with the piped or any other add-on.

    Edited 2 times, last by libelle (July 12, 2024 at 7:50 PM).

  • Thanks! Yes, it could be a hardware issue:

    2024-07-12 18:45:15.229 T:987     debug <general>: LogindUPowerSyscall - inhibit lock taken, fd 12

    I've pinged a dev, stay tuned.

  • The "inhibit lock taken" is normal, I have the same message in my own RPi3B+ log.

    The dev had a look at the logs, and was talking to me. He would like to see a crash log right after a crash.

    So when LE crashes, bring it back to a functional state, login by SSH, run pastecrash, and post the resulting URL.

  • Thank you! Here is (beside the one in my first post) a new one: https://paste.libreelec.tv/saved-mammoth.log
    and (as it doesn't look like something informative to me, the next one right after the first one):
    Now, i'm really curious if there is anything helpful in there...

    (Just in case the pastekodi result from right now: https://paste.libreelec.tv/inspired-pony.log )

    Edited 2 times, last by libelle (July 14, 2024 at 8:39 PM).

  • Sorry, the dev still needs more info. This is what he wrote to me:


    Please ask for the kodi.old.log immediately after the RPi has rebooted (with debug enabled, run pastebinit .kodi/temp/kodi.old.log immediately after reboot).
    The last two crashlogs were empty and the one from the first post seems like some unrelated crash from a normal shutdown.
    It doesn't look like some crash, more like an intentional reboot or shutdown+poweron - maybe from the gpio-shutdown overlay / button cabling

    • enable permanent log level 1 by creating an advancedsettings.xml file
    • reboot
    • replicate the issue
    • run the above command, and post the resulting URL
  • Thank you so much for all the effort!

    tl;dr: Please do not make any further efforts for the time being.

    I did some more testing and different settings by myself, too. After many many hours and reboots it looks like I could have found something. It looks like it could be a little wobbly contact in one of the power outlets. Beside different air flow scenarios I was trying four different power supply units. Two of them are new and especially suggested for the Pi by the berry shop. After a while I was annoyed by always getting them out of the socket and replacing them with another one, so I placed one (by coincidence an old pixel-phone power supply) in a different socket a little bit further away and this time it went stable for 7 hours up to now.
    So the next thing I do is checking the next few days if this was just a coincidence today or if it really works this way...
    ...and if the problem comes back again, I get the kodi.old.log and come back here.

    Meanwhile thank you very much again for all your investigation and please also send a heartfelt thank you to the dev.

    All the best,