Panasonic remote

  • Da Flex

    An update - just for interest

    I have two buttons programmed on the remote - Option (used for invoking the context menu) and the channel up/down button (for audio delay). LibreElec/Kodi is running on a Dell Optiplex i5 and its generally (ie when we don't get a power cut) left running and it goes to sleep when the TV is turned off.

    My wife uses the remote and I use a mini keyboard.

    If we switch back to TV before turning the TV off then on waking up Kodi by pressing a key (other than Esc) on the mini keyboard the programmed buttons on the remote work. However, if the TV is switched off whilst still showing Kodi then on waking up the programmed buttons have lost their programming and the option button shows the TV options menu. Flipping from Kodi to TV and back restores the programming.

  • Disable all screensaver-related settings at CEC adapter.

    When I turn off the TV while Kodi still on, then CEC still works after turning on the TV again. Do you lose all CEC functions on that procedure, or only the customized buttons?

  • Its only the two customised buttons on the remote and if I flip to TV and back to Kodi they're back again.

    I'm quite happy with it working like this and after all the fun and games I had getting CEC to work on this box (buying the adapter & special CEC-less HDMI cable and switching the DVD recorder to SCART) I'm inclined to let well enough alone.

  • I bet it's only the buttons with TV AND Kodi functions, and you don't have any trouble with the color buttons, right?

    So TV has higher CEC priority at some Kodi states. If you really need a fix, ask the developer of CEC Adapter at Kodi forum.

  • I bet it's only the buttons with TV AND Kodi functions, and you don't have any trouble with the color buttons, right?

    I'm not sure what you mean by this. I haven't used the colour buttons - if I can't persuade my wife to use the mini keyboard getting her to remember what the colour buttons mean might be a bit difficult?(

    If you really need a fix

    Nah I'm good