RPi 4B with LE12 CEC connection issue

  • If I turn on the TV before turnning on the RPi, everything works well, but not the other way around.

    I've followed the procedure discribed in https://wiki.libreelec.tv/configuration/edid#generic-x86_64 and run "getedid create" successfully already.

    Now the TV can be turned on when I switch on the RPi, which is my intention to run getedid. However it seems that the TV is on after the RPi is trying to connect to the CEC adaptor, so the connection can not be established. Is there a way to delay connecting CEC adaptor or to wait for the TV to be on before connecting CEC adaptor?

  • Hint for all rpi4 Users, after installing from scratch
    - and possibly renewing a DVR/TV Konfig from a BackUp (!!)

    Append "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60D" in the 1st line of cmdline.txt
    Prerequisite is the display Configuration at "System/Display/Whitelist"
    Working with 'getedid' is not mandatory. Worked for me.


    System: RPi4/4Gig in Argon4 Case -TV Tuner:PCTV tripleStick HD 292e

    Edited once, last by BigMac (June 13, 2024 at 2:43 PM).