Nothing is displayed on the screen in plugin "Commodore - Amiga (P-UAE)"

  • I use the "Commodore - Amiga (P-UAE)" plugin from the LibreELECT repository (versions 11 and 12). Tested on different versions of the plugin and on the latest one.

    Kodi works fine, but when using this plugin "Commodore - Amiga (P-UAE)" no image appears on the screen. The emulator works, e.g. the music from the game can be heard. When saving a position (snapshot) the image of the saved position shows the game image. But the emulator image itself is not displayed. Even the control and notification messages from the emulator work, but the image of e.g. the emulated game does not.

    I use LibreELECT in a virtualized (ProxMox) environment with redirection to a physical graphics card. (Everything else is not a problem), but the emulator image is.

    Has anyone solved something like this? And solved? Any idea?

    Translated with (free version)