Missing Viewtype "Infowall"

  • I have 12.0 Libreelec using Estuary on RBPi4. Till recently I used "Infowall" for all videos in library. A week ago it changed to "Wall" for all videos and no longer offers "Infowall" as a choice for Viewtype. My other Kodi (identical) still has "Infowall". Any ideas for fixing this?

  • The original post was approved withing a few hours of you posting. Nothing is stuck or needs approving. Just nobody cared to reply to your post. I'd guess because nobody can replicate the claimed problem. For example: I'm running LE13 nightlies on an RPi5 and the InfoWall view is available everywhere for me. Right now LE13 is still using the same Kodi Omega version as LE12 as we didn't bump up to Kodi 'P' just yet.

    I would stop and rename the /storage/.kodi folder to /storage/.kodi-old and restart. If the (now empty, all new) Kodi library DB has Infowall back, something is messed up or corrupt in the kodi-old settings or DB files and you can now stop, move files, restart Kodi to move old config and bits to the 'new' Kodi folder until you find out what caused the issue.

    You can also share a debug log, but I rather doubt the issue will be visible that way.

  • OK. I guess I just didn't understand what this means: "Newly created posts will remain inaccessible for others until approved by a moderator."

    Thanks for the input, I'll give it a try.

  • "Newly created posts will remain inaccessible for others until approved by a moderator."

    It's true (for new registrants with no posting history) but there's about 10x moderators and they're spread over a few timezones so the time between posting and someone approving is never that long.

  • I tried the move of mv /storage/.kodi/ to /storage/.kodi.old/. It did not help the lack of choices for Viewtype. The fun news was reversing the renaming did not get the expected results with a bunch of missing files and folders in .kodi. I pulled it out of my weekly backup .tar so at least at ground zero. I may do a new SD image and reconfigure a new Libreelec 12.0.0 and peace it all back together.

    Thanks for your help.