Raspberry Pi SMB problem

  • I would be grateful if someone could also shed some light on why the raspi builds can't access files (videos, music) on smb:// type urls even when sources.xml contains the right link and password.xml contains the access details for the smb share. Note that to used work some years ago, now only intel builds work this way.

    Long ago there also used to be a mediasources.xml which could contain smb://user:passw@usrl , but that has also silently vanished and only contributes to confusion.

    Thx for any pointers

  • I would be grateful if someone could also shed some light on why the raspi builds can't access files (videos, music) on smb:// type urls even when sources.xml contains the right link and password.xml contains the access details for the smb share.

    No issues with SMB shares here. Do your shares require/use SMBv1 or SMv2/v3 ?

  • smb2/3 works fine with intel builds

    In fact, I am using the same smb.conf, sources.xml, password.xml (copying them around) whenever I decide to try a new LE box. Which is why I am flummoxed by the different behaviour of the smb client. Note that I can run the smbclient manually on the raspi and access the shares.

    Could this be some weird timing issue?, the raspi is a lot slower than real cpus...

    Edited once, last by yamcenutzer (June 7, 2024 at 8:38 PM).

  • I doubt it is the protocol, since smbclient does work. I can of course try setting the min also to smb3.

    Also using pathsubstitution in advancedsettings.xml i.e. from smb://xx to /storage/xx works and then using /storage/xx in sources...

    But that defeats the purpose of being compatible with kodi on windows and using a sql database for all kodis/les

    So smb is working, but not directly from sources/passwords. some intermediate step seems different on raspis from the generic builds. I haven't tried anything else, but I remember it was broken before, then started to work, maybe a year ago, then broke again maybe with the arch change ( I really don't remember the exact timing anymore, since I never really wanted to spend time on these contraptions, but there seems to be no alternatives anymore)

  • Kodi calls an embedded lib that can be influenced by the Kodi smb.conf config, but it is not using the smbclient binary (which uses a separate host smb.conf) so while it may work from the console client, you are not testing the same code path.

    Path sub works becaus the local console client works, but again ^ it's not proving the same thing.

  • So what remains then, since I am using the same config files on both platforms.

    the log on raspi fails with errors like this:

    2024-06-08 11:18:45.400 T:1306 error <general>: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://'
    unix_err:'16' error : 'Invalid argument'

    Whereas the intel log just open the file without the escape chars using the actual hostname:

    2024-06-08 20:57:40.460 T:981 info <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: smb://mediaserver/shares/Filme/Das Bose unter der Sonne/Das Bose unter der Sonne.mkv

    What make raspi use the ip address instead of hostname, or is it only the error message that use that?

    name resolution does work on the commandline of course, e.g, ping or tracert

  • I normally associate that error with bad credentials (or lack thereof). At some point Kodi swapped from simple sources.xml to needing a combo of sources.xml and passwords.xml to work, but that was some time ago. You can map device hostnames to IP's using /storage/.config/hosts.conf.

  • yes, that is what I'm saying : raspi builds seem to not understand the same sources/password as used on generic builds.

    The question I have what else do they need if anything and, more importantly, why?

    Alternately has the audio passthru issue ever been resolved on intel 11gen? that would allow to switch back to intel nucs

  • This can be closed:

    I deleted and once more copied over all the xml files from a working box to the raspi boxes, and now it's working.
    I suspect I had opened/edited these files via smb and introduced a non visible whitespace char in some alien charspace or something like that...

    Anyway it is working now. No need to confuse anyone else.

  • no , that was too obvious, also, the editor would have shown it, whatever it was, it was it bit more subtle. unfortunately I didn't care to save them, since I wasn't expecting it to work so 'easily'.