High refresh rate support

  • Hi

    Not sure if this is kodi issue or libreelec.

    I noticed when i connect RPI5 to my lg oled tv i can set high refresh rates for 1080p 1440p resolutions. (100/119.88/120).

    After testing it , it works really well for few reasons :

    1.When playing 23.976/24 FPS video , refresh rate can be 119.88/120 , also 30/59/60 fps videos can use same resolution.

    2.GUI is much more snappier when not staying on 24/23.97hz after video play back (i know there is an option to restore refresh rate after video playback to 50/60)

    By default , kodi seems to support only double refresh rate values, so i added to my advancedsettings.xml the following settings :


    Which works just great , 23/24/30/59/60 videos uses 119/120hz and 50/25 users 100 hz.

    I have only one problem , when i try to play a 4k video , the resolution stays at 1080p , i guess since the RPI5/TV does not support 4k at 100/120hz.

    Any one else tried using libreelec at 100/120hz ?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I think the Pi5 is still only HDMI 2.0 so 100hz/120hz 4K is unlikely; some HDMI 2.0 output can do 4K/120 at 4:2:0 8bit but colour quality suffers badly in that case. In general you do no want to increase the refresh more than needed for that reason, for example you can do 4:4:4 12bit HDR at 24hz but it is not possible at 60hz.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I know rpi5 (and my tv) can not handle 4k@120.

    I would expect/hope for an option that when 4k content is played to use the lower refresh rate at 4k reslution for 4k playback.