Upgrate to LE12 breaks add-ons; can't update add-ons

  • I just upgraded from the latest stable LE11 to LE12.0.0 on my RPI4. I now have two problems.

    1. Several add-ons no longer work. For example, the Shadertoy screensaver complains that:

    2024-05-24 14:38:37.335 T:1435    error <general>: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/screensaver.shadertoy/screensaver.shadertoy.so.20.2.0, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/screensaver.shadertoy/screensaver.shadertoy.so.20.2.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32   

    I suspect this has to do with the fact that "64-bit capable ARM SoC devices including Raspberry Pi 4/5 have been switched from ‘arm’ to ‘aarch64’ userspace" as per the announcement. Is that correct? Does that mean I must now reinstall all my add-ons from scratch? (Say it ain't so...)

    2. This seems more of a Kodi issue than an LE one, but let me blunder ahead anyway: updates of add-ons fail because Kodi doesn't seem to be able to find its way through the repo anymore. For example:

    2024-05-24 14:43:27.909 T:2362    error <general>: Requested path https://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/nexus/script.xbmcbackup/script.xbmcbackup-1.7.0.zip not found in known repository directories

    However, using wget on the same RPi (this time form the command line, obviously) works fine and the file is found and downloadable:

    LibreELEC:~/download # wget https://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/nexus/script.xbmcbackup/script.xbmcbackup-1.7.0.zip
    Connecting to mirrors.kodi.tv (
    Connecting to www.mirrorservice.org (
    saving to 'script.xbmcbackup-1.7.0.zip'
    script.xbmcbackup-1. 100% |*****************************************************************************************************************************|  826k  0:00:00 ETA
    'script.xbmcbackup-1.7.0.zip' saved

    What's going on here?

    // FvW

    Edited 2 times, last by frankvw (May 24, 2024 at 2:25 PM).

  • No idea what's the issue, but leave it for a while until old add-ons are replaced by new ones and it will sort itself out. It somehow that doesn't work, run "systemctl stop kodi && rm -rf /storage/.kodi/addons/* && systemctl start kodi" to clear the binaries (but not the add-on configs and settings which are stored separately in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data) then reinstall the add-ons again and you'll be up and running quickly. It's no more than a 5 mins job unless you over-think it.

  • Clearing the binaries and reinstalling the add-ons did the trick. I was expecting to have to reconfigure everything from scratch, but fortunatley not. Thanks for that!!:)