Raspberry5: SSD instead of microSD “It’s time to ditch microSD”

  • As the author of the title of that video, I figure I should clarify that SSDs are awesome (my hope is more devices have M.2 onboard!), but microSD is still quite suitable for some use cases... and this is one of them. Unless you're hosting media locally, or need to enable logging for long periods of time—or running other stuff on the same box—-microSD is going to use a little less power (like 0.1W instead of 1W idle), be cheaper, and not take up more space (meaning some little cases might not work).

    Just make sure you get a good microSD card and use a good power supply-any good name brand card should be fine (I use SanDisk Extreme mostly, but I have a couple with Kingston Industrial cards where I care more about them staying on for years).