LE 11, 11.95.X on RPI4, RPI5 NO LE Update Notification

  • There are no update notifications from LE. In general, the notifications from LE work. If you download an update manually, messages about the successful download from LE are displayed. In my DNS I see successful access to:

    (I think they should be used by LE to check updates). Does anyone have the same Problem? I'm not sure if it's a bug or an individual problem in my system.

  • The updates are independent to the actual release, usual we start the auto update a bit delayed to have some time buffer IF something is broken we do not know yet.

    Autoupdate starts tomorrow.

  • LE not show any update notification yet.

    LibreELEC -> Updates -> Show Update Notification is on.

    I have this problem on RPI4, RPI5. Also tested with a clean installation (RPI4), no notification too.

    It's not a big problem, you can check the Updates manually but would be cool if it works for future Updates.

    Anyone else the same Problem or does it work for anyone on RPI?

    Edited once, last by Tim0n (April 17, 2024 at 4:30 PM).