MCE remote no longer working

  • Hi All,

    I recently installed the latest LE beta 11.95.1. On first boot my HP MCE remote was working fine. However, after rebooting it no longer works. I have tried rebooting a few times but cannot get it to work. The receiver is flashing red on button presses, however LE does not respond. Although, if I press the power button on the remote it tries to put the system to sleep, so there is some kind of communication happening.

    I have tried the Keymap Editor add-on but it does not recognise button presses and times out waiting for a signal when editing buttons.

    I have entered "ir-keytable" and "ir-ctrl -r" which seem to show that there is communication between the hardware, just no response in LE (see attached image)

    Any other suggestions on getting the remote working again? I find it strange that it worked intially and now it won't. I have had a similar issue in the past, but it worked again after rebooting, that hasn't helped this time.