HDMI problem old TV with RPi5 and LibreELEC (Nexus) 11.0.5

  • In order to use the latest version of LibreELEC, I purchased an RPi5 and installed LibreELEC (Nexus) 11.0.5 on it. However, my old 2005 Sony Bravia TV does not receive an HDMI signal. With an RPi3 and LibreELEC 9.2.8, it works fine on this TV. On another 2011 Sony Bravia TV, it works fine with the RPi5 and LibreELEC (Nexus) 11.0.5.

    I think this seems to be an HDMI version problem. Unfortunately, I cannot find any documentation about this anywhere. Could this possibly be solved by adjusting a configuration within Kodi or the RPi5?