IR Remote does not Power Off after Update to LibreELEC 11.0.4

  • Hi, I am using LibreELEC for some years now on different systems. After the last Update to 11.0.4 something changed in combination with my Harmony Hub Remote control. Now LibreELEC does not shut down, instead only the Power Menu is opened... everything is normally turned off, so I get now chance to shut KODI/LibreELEC down. I am noot sure if something was changed in LibreELEC or in KODI and if I can configure this somewhere?!?! Maybe someone can give me a hint?

    I have a Intel NUC and the Harmony uses the build in IR Receiver to fully control the System (On/OFF (till now) and full control inside of KODI)... only the shutdown process seams to be changed so that the PC is still on :(

    Many thanks in advance :)